- ABC-[वर्णमाला /प्रारम्भिक ज्ञान ]-alphabet/elementary knowledge.
- Add fuel to the fire [आग में घी का काम करना ] make the matter worse. [SSC/CPO/STATE bank ]
- Apple-pie-order [व्यवस्थित /सही क्रम में ] in perfect order.
- As fit as fiddle[हट्ठा खट्टा /स्वस्थ ] healthy.
- Above board[स्पष्ट रूप में/खुल्लम खुल्ला ] openly/without any secret.
- At daggers drawn[दुश्मनी रखना ] at great enemy.
- Have An axe to grind [अपना उल्लू सीधा करना ] have selfish motive. [Airforce X ].
- At sixes and sevens[तितर बितर ] scattered/in disordered.
- At a blow[एक ही प्रहार में ] in a single attempt.
- At random[निरुदेष्य] aimlessly.
- At one's finger tips[मुह जबानी याद होना] complete knowledge/learnt by heart.
- An apple of discord[झगडे की जड़] cause of quarrel.
- Assume airs[अपने आप को बेहतर समझना] to pretend superiority.
- At a stone's throw[बहुत नजदीक ] very close.
- Be on one's back[बीमार होकर चारपाई पकड़ लेना ] be ill in bed.
- Back slide[नैतिक पतन होना ]fall back in morals [CPO 09-11]
- Back the wrong horse[गलत चुनाव करना]make a wrong choice.
- Back bite[पीठ पीछे बुराई करना] unwillingly.
- Bottom of the beg[आखिरी उपाय] the last option
- Beg of bones[दुबला पतला आदमी] a lean and thin person.
- Bare one's heart[अपने दिल की बात कहना]express feelings.
- Bring to bay[शत्रु को घेर लेना]surround the enemy.
- Bear away the palm[विजयी होना]to win.
- Bear garden[कोलाहल का स्थान]a place of tumult.
- Be at one's beads[पूजा पाठ करना] to worship.
- Beat about the bush[इधर उधर की बातें करना] pointless talk.
- Bear the bell[प्रथम स्थान लेना]get first position.
- Bed of roses[फूलों की सेज]comfortable situation.
- Bed of thorns[कांटो का बिस्तर]uncomfortable situation.
- Below breath[दबी जुबान से]in a low voice.
- Bend over backwards[पूरा प्रयास करना]exert oneself to the utmost.
- Between two stools[दुविधा में] confused/uncertain
- Bargain on[भरोसा करना] rely on
- Bear away the palm[विजय प्राप्त करना]gain laurels
- By the skin of the teeth[अल्पतम/बहुत कम अंतर से]narrowly . [SSC data-operator]
- Beat the air[बेकार की कोशिश करना] do useless effort
- Bite the dust[हार जाना] to be defeated.
- Brush aside[उपेक्षा करना] ignore.
- Blow one's trumpet[अपनी तूती अपने आप बजाना] self praise
- By hook or by crook [ किसी भी तरीके से/साम दाम दंड भेद निति से] at any cost /by fair or unfair mean.
- Cats and dogs[मुशलाधार बारिश] rain heavily.
- Call a spade a spade[स्पष्ट बात कहना] speak plainly [ SSC many times ]
- Cat and dog life[कलह पूर्ण जीवन] quarrelsome life
- Carrot and stick[प्रलोभन और दण्ड] reward and punishment [SSC many times ]
- Call names [अपशब्द कहना] insult somebody
- Carry the day[विजय प्राप्त करना] to win
- Cake walk [सरल कार्य/नीग्रो का एक नृत्य] a negro dance / something done easily.
- Capital punishment [मृत्यु दण्ड] death punishment.
- Cap-a-pie[सर से पांव तक] from head to foot
- Carrot conviction[विश्वाश जमाना] estblish confidence [SSC 2010]
- Cat's paw [मोहरा / किसी के हाथों की कठपुतली ] go by somebody's fingures
- Carry matter with a high hand[सख्त कदम उठाना/सख्ती करना] take a strong step/decession
- Cast pearls before swine[भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना/बन्दर क्या जाने अदरक का स्वाद] offer a valuable thing to an undeserving person. [SSC/CPO many times]
- Cheek by jawl [घनिष्ट] close together [SCRA 2009]
- Chew out [डांटना] scold. [DP-SI]
- Chop at [घूसा मारना] punch
- Hobson's choice[भागते भूत का लंगोटा//जो मिल रहा है उसे ही स्वीकार करना] to take what is offered or nothing CDS-09/RBI-2010
- Clip the wings[पर काट देना/लगाम लगाना] prevent somebody from doing something
- Close shave[बाल बाल बचना] a narrow escape.
- Cock and bull [अविश्वश्नीय/मूर्खतापूर्ण/बे सिर पांव की बात]improbable/absurd.
- Come to a standstill[पूरी तरह से रुक जाना] come to a stop.
- Cast one's bread upon the waters [नेकी कर और भूल जा] do good without expecting in return
- Catch a tarter[संकट मोल लेना] deal with a trouble
- Change one's tune[अपने व्यवहार में परिवर्तन लाना] change mind/attitude
- Cheating cock[ठग/धोकेबाज़] a person who cheats.
- Cast a chill over[उदासी फैलाना] spread sadness
- Cock and bull story[अविश्वश्नीय कहानी] incredible story
- Cock nose [नाक भोंह चढ़ाना] grumble
- Slip a cog[भयंकर भूल ] to commit a blunder
- Carry coals to Newcastle [उल्टे बांस बरेली को ] to take goods to a place where they are in plenty.
- Cold fish [मानवताहीन आदमी] person lacking in sympathy & feelings
- Cold comfort [न के बराबर आराम/चैन] slight comfort [SSC 2010]
- Come to a pretty pass[चक्रव्यूह में फंसना] to be in conspiracy
- Come to a bad end[बेकार हो जाना] to be useless
- Cream of the crop[सबसे बढ़िया/सर्वोतम] the best SCRA/CPO
- Cock of the walk[किसी समुदाय का मुखिया]chief / leader
- Cloven hoof[बुरी नीयत] evil intention
- Chapter and verse [[पुर्णतः] in full detail
- Come in handy[उपयुक्त होना] to be useful
- Deadlock [गतिरोध/अव्यवस्थित स्थिति] complete standstill [SSC 2012]
- Dead to the world[गहरी नींद में] fast asleep
- Deep down[वास्तव में] in reality [CBI 1998]
- Dead sure[निश्चित ] definite/very sure
- Dig the grave[कब्र खोदना/विनाश की नीव रखना] destroy/tarnish
- Dare devil [खतरों का खिलाडी ] fearless person
- Dead from the neck up[महामुर्ख ] stupid/foolish
- Devil's advocate [अच्छे कार्य की आलोचना करना] criticize a good cause
- Down and out [गरीब ] very poor
- Die in a ditch [कायर की मौत मरना] die a cowardly death
- Die game [लड़ते लड़ते मरना ] die while fighting
- Die in harness [अंतिम सांस तक कार्य करते हुए मरना] die while still working
- Dog in manger [स्वार्थी व्यक्ति/जो न खुद खाए न दूसरे को खाने दे] selfish person / who prevents others from having what he hasn't himself.
- Damp squib [बिलकुल बेकार] complete failure
- Eat humble pie [क्षमा मांगने पर विवश करना] to apologize .
- Eat one's words [कहे से मुकर जाना] retract statement
- Eat one's terms [वकालत की पढाई करना] study for the law
- Eat out of house and home [दुसरे के घर जमकर खाना] take food and stay at other's house unwelcomed
- End in smoke/fiasco [धुआं हो जाना/सब बेकार हो जाना] come to nothing
- Ear high off the hog [अपने हिस्से से अधिक लेना] take more than one's share
- Egg on [उकसाना] instigate to proceed
- Eke-out[पूरा करना] supplement
- Fall flat [बेअसर होना ] ineffective /useless
- Fall in with [सहमत होना ] agree
- fall out with [असहमत होना] disagree
- Fed up with [तंग आ जाना ] discontented with
- Fair weather friend [सुख का साथी ] who deserts in difficulties NDA /CDS /SSC
- Fish in troubled waters [दूसरों के दुःख में खुश होने वाला ]who takes advantage of others grief
- Flesh and blood [मानव स्वाभाव]human nature
- One's own flesh and blood [सगे सम्बन्धी]kith and kin
- In the flesh [जीवन में] in life
- fish out of water[विषम परिस्थिति में होना] in difficult situation.
- Flog a dead horse [बेकार का प्रयास करना] to waste efforts
- Foam at the mouth [बहुत क्रोध होना] to be extremely angry
- Fool around [समय गंवाना] to waste time
- Free and clear [दायित्व रहित] without any encumbrance
- Fair and square[नेक नियत से/साफ दिल से] upright /honestly
- French leave [बिना आज्ञा के छुटी] leave without permision
- From to pillar post [मारा मारा फिरना /दर दर भटकना] from one person to another in unsatisfactory way
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