- one who is not sure in God's existence -Agnostic[अज्ञेयवादी ] SSC 2012
- one who does not believe in God. -Atheist [नास्तिक ]यह भगवन में विश्वाश ही नहीं करता।
Note -छात्रों को इनके अंतर को ध्यान से समझना चाहिए।.
- one who believes in God. -Theist[आस्तिक]
- a person who solves the dispute of two persons. -Arbitrator[सरपंच/मध्यस्ता कराने वाला ]
- one who can write with either hand. -Ambidextrous[दोनों हाथों से समान कार्य करने वाला] [SSC -CGL 2012]
- one who helps in crime -Accomplice [सहअपराधी ]
- one who takes an active part in politics -Activist [सक्रिय व्यक्ति] [SSC 2011]
- one who fights first with others -Aggressor[आक्रमण कर्ता] FCI 2010
- one who is blind follower of an ideal for religion -Bigot[धर्मांध ] --Fanatic [Syn]
- one who breaks into house to steal. -Burglar[सेंध लगाने/कुम्बल करने वाला ]
- one who is well versed and a good judge in art -Connoisseur[पारखी/कदरदान] SSC-CGL 2012.
- one who is foolishly devoted to an idea. -Chauvinist[कट्टरपंथी ] CPO 2011
- one who thinks himself a citizen of the world. -Cosmopolitan[विश्व नागरिक] CPO 2011
- one who sneers at human beliefs/actions -Cynic[मानव द्वेषी] SCRA
- one who shows sorrows for wrong doings -Contrite[प्रायश्चित करने वाला]
- one who believes everything & everybody -Credulous[सहज विश्वासी ] NDA
- one who is a democratic orator/one who sways others by his oratory- Demagogue[भड़काने वाला]
- a polished and light hearted person -Debonair[भद्र पुरुष]
- a cowardly person -Dastard[कायर]
- one who is ready to do anything wrong -Desperado[दुराचारी]
- one who resists till end. -Die-hard[अडिग] SSC
- a lover of oneself -Egoist[अहमी]
- who often talks of himself -Egotist[अभिमानी]
- one who is womanish in nature -Effeminate [जनाना] CPO
- one who listens secretly to private talks -Eavesdropper[छिप कर बात सुनने वाला]
- one who is hard to please -Fastidious [तुनक मिजाज़]
- one who works for welfare for woman -Feminist/Philogynist [स्त्री उद्धारक]
- one who shows off too much -Flamboyant[दिखावा करने वाला]
- a lover of food -Gourmand [चटोरा/पेटू]
- a good judge of food or connoisseur of food -Gourmet[जिसे भोजन की परख हो]
- one who speaks and acts against religion -Heretic [विधर्मी ]
- one is ruled by his wife Henpecked[जोरू का गुलाम]
- one who thinks that sensual pleasure is the chief good-Hedonist[भोगी]
- one who has no money to pay debt -Insolvent [दिवालिया]
- one who lourneys place to place -Itinerant /Nomadic [खानाबदोश]
- who dies for welfare of his country -Martyr[शहीद]
- one who lives an immoral life -Libertine [कामुक]
- one who hates humane kind/mankind -Misanthrope[मानव द्वेषी]
- one who hates marriage -Misogamist [विवाह द्वेषी]
- one who hates woman -Misogynist [नारी द्वेषी]
- one who hates knowledge -Misologist [ज्ञान द्वेषी]
- one who collects coins -Numismatist [सिक्के इकट्टे करने वाला] SSC 2012
- a love making person for amusement -Philanderer [इश्कबाज]
- one who does not care for art and literature - Philistine[असभ्य ]
- one who loves peace and hates war - Pacifist[शांतिवादी ]
- a person who lives in seclusion - Recluse [एकांतप्रेमी]
- a person who walks in sleep - Somnambulist [नींद में चलने वाला ]
- a person who usually talks in sleep... - Somniloquist [नींद में बोलने वाला ]
- who neither feels pain nor pleasure - Stoic [उदासीन ]
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